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UCLA International Institute

Secrets of Screenwriting: A Conversation with Chinese Screenwriter Lu Wei (in Chinese)

This event will be conducted in Chinese.

Friday, Mar. 25, 6 p.m.


Lu Wei, renowned screenwriter and director known for award-winning works including Farewell My Concubine, To Live, Tuya's Marriage, White Deer Plain and Wolf Totem.

蘆葦, 著名電影編劇和導演, 是電影 <霸王別姬>, <活著>, <圖雅的婚事>, <白鹿原>,<狼圖騰> 等電影的劇情編劇.

Michael Berry, translator, author and professor of contemporary Chinese cultural studies and director of the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies.

白睿文, 哥倫比亞大學中國現代文學和電影博士. 現任加州大學洛杉磯分校教授兼任中國研究中心主任.
