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UCLA Hammer Museum

Upcoming Supreme Court Cases, with Erwin Chemerinsky

As engaged citizens it is important for us all to understand the role the Supreme Court plays in our lives and its decisions impact us all. Erwin Chemerinsky, one of the nation’s foremost Constitutional scholars, covers these issues in a series of three Hammer Forums.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.


Hammer Forum is made possible by the Rosenbloom Family

As engaged citizens it is important for us all to understand the role the Supreme Court plays in our lives and its decisions impact us all. Erwin Chemerinsky, one of the nation’s foremost Constitutional scholars, covers these issues in a series of three Hammer Forums.

This second night focuses on the current term: what the cases are, what the court seems to be emphasizing, and what the ramifications of these decisions could be.

The final installment concentrates on constitutional interpretation and the role originalism plays or doesn't play in the Court's decisions.

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